Manifesting Grace Through Gratitude (Free 21-Day Meditation Series)

Want to feel gratitude even during tough times? If so, I highly recommend this 21-day meditation series – – Manifesting Grace Through Gratitude. It’s led by Deepak Chopra and hosted by Oprah Winfrey.  My clients and I have loved their meditations from the past as they’re grounding and inspiring all at once. Manifesting Grace Through Gratitude This season’s…

Four Ways to Combat Anxiety – Right Now! (Free Guide)

Feeling anxious and dissatisfied? Obviously life can be challenging at times. And, it can be good too, yet you might find yourself feeling anxious despite seemingly “having it all.” Discovering what REALLY makes you happy and recommitting to a life that brings you joy are keys to mitigating anxiety and designing your perfectly inspired life.…

Practice Gratitude (Even During Tough Times) – How It’s Possible

Practicing Gratitude When I meet with clients, they often express how they know practicing gratitude is helpful. But, they reveal how sometimes it’s hard to feel grateful when things aren’t going the way they hoped. The truth is that I can relate. When I’ve gone through tough times in my life, I’ve held on to my positive…