Having it all…with a lot more happy!

Myth or Potential Reality? There is so much discussion and controversy about the topic of “having it all” and if it’s even possible. A reason for all of this doubt could be that society is shaping what “having it all” or success looks like. And, we’re looking outside of ourselves for motivation to move toward ideals. Or, we might be intrinsically inspired to go for our desires, but we put pressure on ourselves to work hard and be successful. What if we have the formula for feeling happier all wrong?

Insure You’ll Enjoy Your 2015! Here’s How…

  As I’m sure you’ve heard, New Year’s Resolutions don’t work! I’ve even found that traditional goal setting doesn’t work. (Yep, I’m a coach, and I just wrote that goal setting doesn’t work…well, traditional goal setting). What is an enthusiastic, go-getter supposed to do with his or her life?! Good news! This is a great time…