Hi! I’m Rosie, and I want to share my passion for awakening people's spirits and seeing possibilities. These passions along with my natural inclination to create trust and make connections led to studying and practicing life coaching. I started coaching several years ago and founded InnerBrilliance Coaching in 2007 since I was committed to helping illuminate a path for people to realize their full life potential. I sincerely believe you can design the life you love and feel energized and alive along the way. I'd love to hear your thoughts on how to do this too. So, explore with me how harnessing your "inner brilliance" can help you design the life you love!

Create a Career You Love

Achieving Your Goals with Joy for High-Achievers

Ready to experience results while feeling happier along the way? As a fellow high-achiever, you understand the drive and dedication it takes to reach for the stars. But, amidst our relentless pursuit of success, it’s important to remember that joy is not just a byproduct of achievement but an essential component of the journey itself.…

Goodbye 2023! Hello 2024…

Ready to create a year that includes all you desire? I bet you are, and if you’re tired of creating resolutions that don’t stick and not seeing results… Try this new way to create your new year.  I’ll guide you through the process for your best 2024! Keep reading to learn how this process works.  Or,…

Reflections of a 16-Year Entrepreneurial Journey: Lessons Learned, Milestones Achieved, and Personal Growth

Today is my “Sweet 16!” It’s InnerBrilliance’s 16th “birthday” today and I feel an abundance of emotion and gratitude. I started this business to help people and to feel fulfilled. Little did I know how much I’d get in return from clients, mentors, and the beautiful community we’ve built together. In fact, I’ve become so…

Embrace Wonder Over Worry: A Path to Better Results with Inner Peace and Fulfillment

Can You Experience Wonder Over Worry? In a world filled with constant hustle and bustle, it’s easy to find ourselves trapped in the endless cycle of worrying. We worry about our jobs, our relationships, our health, and so much more. All those thoughts are part of the human experience. Our brain is wired to focus…

Go From Overwhelm to Empowered

Are You Overwhelmed or Is It Something Else? Do you ever feel like you have so much on your to-do list and there is no way you’ll ever get it all done? Or, are you getting a lot done but constantly frustrated WHILE you’re being productive–at the gym, at work, and with your family? I…