Food Network Star [Audition]–How I Gained Confidence to Create the Life I Love

Need confidence to take action? Surprisingly, taking action actually leads to confidence so instead of waiting to get the guts to go after that opportunity, you’ll get further if you jump in and… go for it. Think of it as one of the few times when leap before you look is the right course of…

Embrace Your Fun, Feminine Energy

Feeling frustrated and short-tempered as you go throughout your day? Getting things done but feeling exhausted as you go through your day? Jumping from one activity to another to be productive yet snapping at people in your life? Feeling like you’re putting everyone else first and that leaves you with little energy for self-care? Searching…

Want big life results? Learn 4 tips to overcome the mistake that gets in your way.

I’m so grateful to see how much self-improvement concepts have become more mainstream these days. So much so that potential clients are sharing the concepts with me during our consultations as we discuss how coaching can support them. But, I still often see people not being able to take that step forward with making changes…

A Guaranteed Way to Get the Best Results

Want a guaranteed way to get the best results? If you’ve been following my posts or involved in any self-improvement activities, you have probably heard of the phrase “setting an intention.” I love how this concept is being further integrated in to our lives. For example, you may set an intention at the beginning of your yoga…

Practice Gratitude (Even During Tough Times) – How It’s Possible

Practicing Gratitude When I meet with clients, they often express how they know practicing gratitude is helpful. But, they reveal how sometimes it’s hard to feel grateful when things aren’t going the way they hoped. The truth is that I can relate. When I’ve gone through tough times in my life, I’ve held on to my positive…