Practicing Gratitude

Practicing Gratitude with a Twist

Why Practicing Gratitude Is Helpful We often hear about practicing gratitude, but today I want to share why it benefits you and ways to really make it a powerful tool in your life. Fortunately, expressing and feeling gratitude is a choice that can be exercised at any time. In fact, daily expression of these sentiments is…

How to Have a Good Day!

What’s the first thing you do in the morning? What you do in the morning influences your whole day. Why is that?! Your morning routine sets you up for the kind of success you want to experience, and leaves you feeling happier. For me, it’s about energy management. Everything I do, say, think, or feel…

Embrace Your Fun, Feminine Energy

Feeling frustrated and short-tempered as you go throughout your day? Getting things done but feeling exhausted as you go through your day? Jumping from one activity to another to be productive yet snapping at people in your life? Feeling like you’re putting everyone else first and that leaves you with little energy for self-care? Searching…

Embrace Your Feminine Energy & Experience More Joy Daily

Exhausted, irritable or frustrated? Do you feel this way as you go for results in your daily life? When you’re feeling angry, start blaming others, or experience disappointment, you’re disconnecting from your true, best self. I know I’ve been there before and behave in a way that doesn’t end up feeling good to me or…

How Can Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone Benefit Others

Though vulnerability is a stretch out of our comfort zone, it can lead to amazing opportunities. I was recently invited and honored to attend a celebration from my hearing aids company – ReSound. They wanted to honor patients who have been willing to share their journey to better hearing through using their product. This was…