How to “Have It All” – Step by Step

Have you been striving for that “ideal” life? What some might say to “have it all” but it’s not happening? Or, you don’t even believe it’s possible to “have it all” any longer? It could feel hard to experience because you’re not sure what it is that you want to have.  I’ve seen this so often and experienced this in my…

Having it all…with a lot more happy!

Myth or Potential Reality? There is so much discussion and controversy about the topic of “having it all” and if it’s even possible. A reason for all of this doubt could be that society is shaping what “having it all” or success looks like. And, we’re looking outside of ourselves for motivation to move toward ideals. Or, we might be intrinsically inspired to go for our desires, but we put pressure on ourselves to work hard and be successful. What if we have the formula for feeling happier all wrong?

Had A Party & Discovered My Mission! Who Knew?

Cocktails & Compliments…Honor Yourself…Honor Each Other So, I’ve decided to really “walk my talk” last month.  And, I never could have expected what happened next.  Bottom line: by living my life and doing what makes me happy, I received such great gifts in return personally AND professionally.  So, here’s the whole story: For a long…