Wow, I Must Be Amazing!!! Bet you are, too:-) Find out…

What can we learn from our relationships? You might have heard the saying “what goes around, comes around.”  Or, in coaching circles, people say “You get (back) what you put out in to the world.” Given that I received so much love and support after my father passing away, I realized I must have been exuding…

Loosen Your Grip on Time

Do you often feel like you’re running out of time? Or, that you want answers to all of your life’s questions now? As a recovering perfectionist and overachiever, I understand the concept of wanting it all… right now! Thankfully, I heard that “time” is a construct humans created to digest, process, and organize what happens…

Start with the End in Mind for Success

Ever been really excited about a goal… and then hit an obstacle or lost motivation to keep going? When this happens for my clients, I often share the tip to “start with the end in mind.” Picture your desired outcome (e.g., that new home, the improved romantic relationship, a fulfilling career). Really feel the feelings…