Reflections of a 16-Year Entrepreneurial Journey: Lessons Learned, Milestones Achieved, and Personal Growth

Today is my “Sweet 16!” It’s InnerBrilliance’s 16th “birthday” today and I feel an abundance of emotion and gratitude. I started this business to help people and to feel fulfilled. Little did I know how much I’d get in return from clients, mentors, and the beautiful community we’ve built together. In fact, I’ve become so…

Embrace Wonder Over Worry: A Path to Better Results with Inner Peace and Fulfillment

Can You Experience Wonder Over Worry? In a world filled with constant hustle and bustle, it’s easy to find ourselves trapped in the endless cycle of worrying. We worry about our jobs, our relationships, our health, and so much more. All those thoughts are part of the human experience. Our brain is wired to focus…

Go From Overwhelm to Empowered

Are You Overwhelmed or Is It Something Else? Do you ever feel like you have so much on your to-do list and there is no way you’ll ever get it all done? Or, are you getting a lot done but constantly frustrated WHILE you’re being productive–at the gym, at work, and with your family? I…

What I Learned from My 50 Years on This Planet

Milestone Birthday Reflections “If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.” ― Joseph Campbell I love this quote by Joseph Campbell. It’s a motto I’ve lived by…

How to go from Perfectionist to Productive and Happy…

Do any of these sound like you? You’re uber efficient. You know and use all the productivity tips–time blocking, batching, etc. You connect the dots faster than others and get to conclusions quickly. You never add this statement at the end of an email “Let me know if I missed anything” because you NEVER miss…