Embracing Your Feminine

in Work & Love

Increase Your Emotional Awareness

to Achieve Better Life Results

Signature Workshops

Do you feel like sometimes your emotions get the best of you? And, then they can impact you getting what you want?

Learn to heighten your emotional awareness and what triggers certain emotions. I combine positive psychology with neuroscience to show you how to process those emotions, increase your emotional agility, and ultimately transform your energy. You’ll walk away with practical tools to feel calmer and more grounded so you can make better decisions and achieve results you desire for your life.    

More specifically, you’ll learn how your thoughts can influence your emotions. Regulating your thoughts and emotions will help you achieve more emotional balance ultimately providing you an opportunity to be more present, creative, and flexible in the moment. Best part is you’ll have four simple steps to combat emotional turmoil that you can implement in less than 2 minutes for immediate results.

To set up a time to talk about speaking opportunities, contact me.

What People are Saying!

The world needs more people to shine their light and help others do the same. This book does exactly that. It’s raw, vulnerable and powerful and worth the read.

Jill Lubin - 4x Best Selling Author and Master Publicity Strategist